Are you thinking about getting married? If so you should speak to one of the leadership team after the Sunday service.
Marriage is important so there are many things that you will need to discuss with us before your big day - and that’s not just booking the date!
If you are thinking of getting married at St Chad’s, it would be useful if you could download and fill out this initial enquiry form, and bring it with you, filled out, when you meet the Church Leader on Sunday.
Marriage Preparation Course
Although you may not be going on the T.V. program ‘Mr & Mrs’ it’s important that couples thinking of getting married really know each other well and have thought about their future married life together.
We encourage all couples who are thinking of tying the knot to attend our Marriage Preparation Course. It's relaxed, informal and good fun, and is designed to help people to look at the issues thrown up by married life, and gives pointers to help couples stay married.
To find out more and to get booked on the course contact the Church Office.